     Phillips Memorial Baptist Church

Hope Circle’s purpose is to play an active role in Christian service both to our church and to the world-wide Christian community.  Hope Circle is associated with the American Baptist Women of RI and the National American Baptist Women's Ministries.

Community Mission Projects of Hope Circle

Monies from the May Breakfast, Holiday Bazaar, and other events go to: 

The Baptist Home 

Camperships for Phillips’ youth 

Stewardship giving to Phillips 

Lawn care funds 

Hope Circle Knitting Group knits items for mission projects.

Hope Circle Crafters Group makes items for the Holiday Bazaar. 

Call 467-3300 for information on Hope Circle meeting times.

Check out Hope Circle news for more information.
Phillips Memorial  Baptist Church
565 Pontiac Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island  02910


Serve The Lord With Gladness

Volunteer at Phillips.  For information on occasional, weekly, monthly or seasonal volunteer opportunities, call the church office 467-3300.

Also, see the Deacon's Page.

MISSION GIVING    Check out Mission News

Four special annual offerings are taken during worship: 

One Great Hour of Sharing (disaster relief)

America for Christ (national ministries, including American Baptist Churches of RI)

World Mission Offering (international missions)

Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering  ("Remember with love. Give with gratitude.")


Opportunities are available for Lay Readers, Ushers, and Greeters on Sundays at Phillips Church. Call the church office for more information, 467-3300, extension 1.

Phillips Church has many volunteer opportunities available from gardening to nursery care to coffee making, from ushering on Sunday to being a lay reader.  Call the church office for details, 467-3300.

Taste of Heaven Ministry

The Mission Group, as part of its outreach effort, has agreed to sponsor a project called "The Taste of Heaven Ministry."  During the Christmas season, we will assist the Salvation Army with gifts for children. Also, every month peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (80!) are prepared for the needy in Providence.  

John Clarke Nursing Center

Each day, residents at the John Clarke Nursing Center in Middletown RI are provided with the vital medical care they need.  But as Christians, we know that people need more than mere medical care, food and shelter.  To learn how you can help enhance the lives of residents at the John Clarke Nursing Center, call 401-846-0743. 


Front desk volunteers are needed for support and assistance at the busy office at Canonicus.  Volunteers are needed for one day a week from 10 am to 2 pm, answering phones, greeting visitors, and handling light clerical tasks. Interested?  Call 401-294-6318, extension 102.