A New Year, a New Me? : Thursday Thoughts
     Phillips Memorial Baptist Church

Phillips Memorial Baptist Church
565 Pontiac Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island  02910



Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton: phillipsmemorialpastor@gmail.com

  Pastor Amy's Thursday Thoughts

A New Year, a New Me?

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 01/03/25

Here we are, just a few days into the new year - just enough time to make and break our first New Year’s resolutions! I’m sure you are seeing the promotions for weight loss programs, dry January, apps to track your running/reading/calories/life goals, and admonitions to tip-toe gently into 2025 so as to not awaken it’s insanity.

The turn of the year really does reveal a common need to take stock and consider changes - just like February or March (when we are all ready for winter to JUST END ALREADY) awakens the shame of not having made sufficient progress on the goals we so boldly outlined at New Year.

It has struck me this year that the New Year, the time of year that is coldest here in New England, also coincides with the return of the sunshine. Today (Thursday) the sun will set 12 minutes later than it did a few weeks ago! Here in the Northern Hemisphere, even the earth is turning some things around (see what I did there?).

This year, as you think about your hopes and goals for 2025, remember this: we are loved by a God who promises to make all things new:

            “I am about to do a new thing;                                                              Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19

             “And the one who was seated on the throne said, ‘See, I am making all things new.”  Revelation 21:5

Perhaps that new thing is a new you - or perhaps it is a new recognition that you are deeply and fully loved by the God who has been in the business of making things new from the very beginning. I’m convinced that if we can truly know we are loved by God in this way, that personal renewal will follow as we will allow ourselves to be loved into newness.

If we truly know we are loved by God, then we will be renewed into better loving our friends, neighbors, and enemies. If we truly know we are loved by God, we will love the creation better. If we truly know we are loved by God, we will create communities of justice and equality.

May the increasing light of this New Year help us to see more clearly all the newness that God wishes upon this beautiful, broken creation.


Pastor Amy

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