Thursday Thoughts
     Phillips Memorial Baptist Church

Phillips Memorial Baptist Church
565 Pontiac Avenue
Cranston, Rhode Island  02910


Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton:

  Pastor Amy's Thursday Thoughts

Thursday Thoughts

The Power of the Tongue

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 09/14/23

Christ has no body but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which He looks

Compassion on this world,

Yours are the feet with which He walks to do good,

Yours are the hands, with which He blesses all the world.

Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,

Yours are the eyes, you are His body.

Christ has no body now but yours,

No hands, no feet on earth but yours,

Yours are the eyes with which he looks

compassion on this world.

Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

~ Teresa of Avila


A few times lately I’ve found myself saying something like, “my ears heard something come out of my mouth before I realized I’d said it.” Usually it is something funny. Because I’m always funny. Ok, not always. But, a woman can dream! I am sure I’m not the only one who sometimes speaks before I think!


Do you know that there are 8 muscles in the human tongue? Whether or not the tongue is the strongest set of muscles in the human body is debatable, but we do know that the strength of the tongue is its ability to offer healing or harm, to give praise or to cut down.


We can use our tongues to offer praise to God - which seems the height of what it can do! In Psalm 119:172, the Psalmist promises, “my tongue will sing of your promise, for all your commandments are right.” Our tongues can also offer healing, welcome, and grace to fellow persons on the journey of life and faith. Proverbs 15 puts this possibility in poetic form: “the tongue of the wise dispenses wisdom” (v. 2), “a gentle tongue is the tree of life” (v. 4).


The words we say to others can bring life, can be a means by which God’s grace moves in this world. Simple words to a stranger who walks through our sanctuary doors might offer healing in place of past harm: “you are welcome here,” “God’s love is for everyone.” Think about how those words might offer healing to folks who have been marginalized or harmed previously by the church.


But, the tongue can do harm as well, which is its flip-side. The teacher in Proverbs alternates each of the beautiful lines above with the truth of the tongue's ambivalent power: “perverseness in [the tongue] breaks the spirit” (15:4). Power in the tongue? Indeed! The teacher proclaims a few chapters later that “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (18:21).


I suspect that you can pull up old memories of times a person spoke harshly or hatefully to you - and perhaps these memories still bring up the hot shame or anger you might have felt at the time the words were uttered. So, you can easily imagine how destructive it is to hear someone say something along the lines of, “all are welcome here, except [whatever you are],” or “how dare you do [whatever you did],” or “[insert any number of dismissive, unkind, or unhelpful statements].” For its small size, the tongue can cut to our very center.


Here is what I pray - that each of us would be aware of the power we have to heal or harm others with our words, our tones, and our body language. Our tongues are powerful - and folks carry with them for a very long time the healing or harm that our tongues have done. So, speak kindly to each other and be humble and ready to extend an apology to those you have hurt (and I am definitely including myself in this “you”!).


In the words of Paul, “be ready to do whatever is good. …not to speak evil of anyone or to be quarrelsome….be forbearing, and display perfect courtesy to all” (Titus 2:1b-2). You are the mouth of Christ in this world, sometimes the only mouth from folks will hear the good spoken!




Pastor Amy


Learning Grace

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 09/13/23

The preschool children are back in the building at Little Shepherd and the Associate Pawster is very excited that recess is back in session! She’s not so excited that she has to give the new littles time to acclimate to her size and energy. All people are Pawster Daisy’s friends - and doubly so if they have treats! But, she and they have to learn to co-exist, and then to enjoy each other. It will happen, of that I’m sure.

When we popped in today to greet the cutest line of preschoolers, one little guy whom I had just met made sure to tell me that “she hit” him. I’m not entirely sure if the “she” was the little girl in line in front of him or if “she” was Daisy’s swishing tail. Certainly I hadn’t witnessed anything, but he was quite serious.

Think back to your own younger years - I’m sure you remember having to learn to forgive or to say you were hurt. Probably not so hard to remember since most of us are still working on these things today!

As our children spend their days learning grace, resilience, and courage, let them remind all of us that we are all still on this journey - even if we don’t all get new lunchboxes and sparkly shoes to help us along this journey! 

As we go about our days, I pray that the Spirit will continually guide us in learning grace: learning to give grace, learning to accept grace, and learning to be grace. Then we might say with Paul, “the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 1:14). 


Pastor Amy

Blessed are we, the graced.

We who don’t deserve it.

Whose failures haunt us.

The things we said.

The things we left unsaid.

The decisions and addictions and broken relationships

that have ripple effects we still feel today.

Somehow, we are the recipients of this mysterious gift.

Grace doesn’t erase the pain or harm we’ve caused.

But grace, still.

For us, the redeemable.

And if we are . . . that means they are too.

Yes–even them:

The rude neighbor.

The estranged father.

The unforgiving ex.

The boss who screwed you over.

The doctor who messed up.

The selfish pastor.

The family member who did the unthinkable.

Despite what we all have left done and left undone. We are graced.

Blessed are all of us who wrestle with unforgiveness and ungrace.

You who make amends.

You who reach for forgiveness.

You who say you’re sorry even when sorry will never be enough.

You who find the bridge to forgive the wrong done to you.

Even when you cannot forget. Or can’t go back.

Or they aren’t nearly sorry enough.

Blessed are we who live here. In this mystery, this scandal, of grace.

~ Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie. “finding grace for others (and ourselves).” In The Lives we Actually Have: 100 Blessings for Imperfect Days: pp. 114-15.

The River of Time

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 08/31/23

This morning when I stepped outside to walk the dog, one of the neighbor girls was walking to her first day of kindergarten - with grandparents, dad, and older sister escorting her. Tomorrow my daughter starts her senior year in high school. How is it possible that she is no longer the 5-year-old going to her first day of kindergarten in the momma-made sundress?


Time can be cruel sometimes - stretching out until our fatigued bodies stage protest while simultaneously rushing past so fast we can’t catch our breath. Other times it can be a balm - after all, it supposedly heals our wounds. It’s hard to know how to respond to the passing or stalling of time - should I be happy that my child is taking this next step or sad that all the previous steps are done?


Being present in the moment takes wisdom in responding to the uneven passage of time - or perhaps it is the key to smoothing those different speeds out!


In the Hebrew Scripture book of Ecclesiastes, the “teacher” reminds us that time encompasses the whole breadth of the human experience:


There is a time for everything,

a season for every purpose under heaven:

a season to be born and a season to die;

a season to plant and a season to harvest;

a season to hurt and a season to heal;

a season to tear down and a season to build up;

a season to cry and a season to laugh;

a season to mourn and a season to dance;

a season to scatter stones and a season to gather them;

a season for holding close and a season for holding back;

a season to seek and a season to lose;

a season to keep and a season to throw away;

a season to tear and a season to mend;

a season to be silent and a season to speak;

a season to love and a season to hate;

a season for hostilities and a season for peace.

(Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, The Inclusive Bible)


The teacher goes on to remind their readers that God is present in all of those times. God is present when we begin and when we reach the end of our lives. God is present when we live through war and when we live through peace. God is present when our loved ones are near and when we have to let them go. Simply put: God is present through all the times, however they meet us.


So, this year, whatever time brings to you, I pray that you find your quiet center and whether time is racing or crawling, you know you are held in God’s heart. In that space, time doesn’t damage or harm.


For all of our new seasons and all of the seasons we see only behind us, God grant us the courage and grace to be present to where you are leading us today.




Pastor Amy

A Blessing

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 08/24/23

As I am finding some balance on my home coast, I give you this blessing.




Pastor Amy



“A Blessing for Equilibrium”


Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore,

May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul.


As the wind loves to call things to dance,

May your gravity be lightened by grace.


Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth,

May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect.


As water takes whatever shape it is in,

So free may you be about who you become.


As silence smiles on the other side of what’s said,

May your sense of irony bring perspective.


As time remains free of all that it frames,

May your mind stay clear of all it names.


May your prayer of listening deepen enough

To hear in the depths the laughter of God.


~ John O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings

Praying Like Breathing

by Rev. Dr. Amy Chilton on 08/17/23

Thus says YHWH,

Who created the heavens and spread them out,

Who gave shape to the earth and what it produces,

Who gave life [or breath] to its peoples and spirit to its inhabitants.

Isaiah 42:5


When I was a PhD student, I took a few seminars with Dr. Nancey Murphy, a Christian philosopher. Much of her work was in the area of what it means to be people who are bodies and who live in communities that shape and form us.


One of the most interesting parts of her work was her use of the neurosciences in her philosophy. Do you know that there are parts of our brain that are activated by watching someone do something just as if we were doing it ourselves? The neurons that would fire if we were to shake a hand also fire when we watch someone shake a hand. These are our mirror neurons. What a fascinating perspective of what it means for our kids to copy what we do rather than what we say, when what we do is literally being embedded in their brains as they watch us.


Our bodies are amazing - part of God’s good creation and made in God’s image. Our bodies are wonderfully intricate creations. Do you know about the vagus nerve? It runs from our brain and down through our internal organs. Amongst other things, it is responsible for our body’s fight or flight response. When stimulated by perceived or real threats, it can kick off the race to get away from danger. For many of us, this sympathetic nervous system response is our go-to, we perpetually rev high.


It is a good thing we can also use the vagus nerve to calm our bodies. The recent emphasis on deep breathing recognizes this possibility. By breathing deeply into our diaphragm we help the vagus nerve stimulate its parasympathetic response, which slows us down. In short: with deep breathing we can calm our bodies. What amazes me is that God made our bodies to be able to do this!


A good long time ago, some Christians used what was called the “breath prayer” as part of their meditation and prayer life. They prayed in pattern with deep breathing. This tied connecting with God in prayer to the calming and centering of the body. These early Christians recognized that prayer wasn’t just a task of the mind, but also a task of the whole body. Which means prayer didn’t just benefit the mind, it benefited the whole body. The Lord has given us breath, how miraculous that we can use that breath in prayer and in living.


Perhaps you might try a breath prayer this week. It takes some getting used to, because settling the heart and the breath is not our normal go-to, and often neither is prayer. But, God is present and waiting to give us peace whenever we seek it through prayer.


Dismiss all anxiety from your minds; instead, present your needs to God through prayer and petition, giving thanks for all circumstances. Then God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:6-7




Pastor Amy



?    Bible Translation from The Inclusive Bible